Want to make a difference?
Would you like to join other local companies in leading Maine to a sustainable future?
Does your business want to save money by switching to renewable energy?
We’ve helped more than 1,000 Maine Businesses participate in community solar. That’s more than 100,000,000 kwh of solar energy.
Featured Supporters
Portland Regency Hotel and Spa
Business, Professional and Services
Ace High Realty
K & T Rental
Sebagosev Properties Inc.
SingleSource Staffing Inc
Storage Realty
Verrill Investment Group
Obrien Consolidated Industries
Windham Excavating Co.
Venture Investment Company
Harborview Apartments
Hotels, Inns and Resorts
Boothbay Country Club and Resort
The Coast Village Inn and Cottages
Portland Regency Hotel and Spa
Health and Wellness
Bittersweet Ridge Disc Golf Course
Friends Auto Sales and Services
KSD Atlantic Transport
Maine Auto Dealers Association
Milbridge Gulf
Addition Farm
Clean Water Cultivation
The Dinsmore Group
Elements Inc
Grow Home Inc
High Tide Consulting Inc
Kaia Skye
New England Alternative Care
Oileaf LLC
Ossipee Trail Garden Center
Positive Growth Gardens
Restaurants & Food Services
Bread + Butter Catering Company
Golden Harvest Market and Produce
Nadeau’s Deli and Variety