As a proud Allied Member of the Maine Brewer’s Guild, our goal is to help Craft Brewers save money, and engage with environmentally conscious customers through community solar programs.
Community solar offers some valuable benefits for Maine Brewers:
- Cost Savings: 10% off total electric bill
- Average Savings: $2,000 – $6,000 per year
- Upfront Costs: $0
- Savings Guarantee: 20 years
- Energy Source: Maine-based solar farms
- Energy Type: 100% renewable
Community Solar Supporters in the Brewing Industry
Here are several resources about energy savings and sustainability for brewers.
Brewing Energy Efficiency in the Beer Industry
Tennessee Valley Authority – Craft Breweries Energy Savings
Consumers willing to pay more for sustainably brewed beer
Please download our information sheet about community solar for Maine’s Craft Brewers.
Complete the form below to request more information about community solar for your business.